How Bodily Injury Insurance Protects you in a Car Accident

Many Florida drivers question the need for bodily injury coverage on their insurance as they try to find ways to reduce their costs. There are many reasons why you need the coverage, the most important of which is shielding you from the medical expenses of other people should you cause an accident.

You’re only required to carry $10,000 of coverage in Florida. That means if another driver or any passengers in either vehicle are injured in an accident, your insurance will pay for medical expenses up to that amount. If the cost to address those injuries exceeds $10,000 and you’re determined to have caused the accident, the injured parties can seek financial compensation from you for their injuries and that has the potential to cost thousands of dollars.

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, the law requires you to purchase the coverage for a period of three years after your driver’s license is reinstated. Bodily injury coverage is also mandatory for three years if your license was suspended for accumulating an excessive number of points.

You may be required to have bodily liability insurance if you cause an accident resulting in injuries and/or property damage. If you’re discovered to be driving without a valid license, you could be required to carry the insurance for up to two years. The purpose of bodily liability insurance is to protect others from unsafe drivers.

Even if you’re normally a safe and conscientious driver, a fleeting moment of distracted driving for any reason can result in an accident that can cause a variety of injuries and have disastrous consequences. Without bodily liability, you could find yourself responsible for a significant amount of money in medical bills.

Medical costs continue to increase across the entire spectrum of healthcare. Bodily injury insurance coverage protects you in the event that you cause an accident and the cost of injuries exceeds the minimum $10,000 of basic coverage required of Florida motorists.

Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield, P.A.

Whether you need a Divorce, are dealing with Custody or Child Support issues, or need representation in a Personal Injury matter, the Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield can confidently assist you.  To learn more about how we can help you or to discuss the facts of your case with our attorneys, call 954-983-1443 to schedule your free consultation.

3107 Stirling Road
Suite 105
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Fax: 954-983-1536

Email: [email protected]

Car Accident Overwhelm? Hire a Lawyer

A serious car accident can easily overwhelm an individual, and not just in terms of injuries, property damage or financial liability. Those that have been in an accident may also suffer from emotional issues, be looking at loss of income, and need to deal with what may seem like an insurmountable mountain of forms and phone calls from insurance company and HR representatives.

The solution is hiring a lawyer experienced in accident claims. He/she will be an advocate, spokesperson, and help individuals successfully navigate every step of the claims process. An attorney can assist with litigation should difficulties be encountered with insurance companies. Never cash or deposit a check from any insurance company until a lawyer has been consulted. Doing so could rob you of future benefits.

It’s extremely difficult to deal with paperwork and other details when an individual is experiencing pain and the potential for life-changing injuries. There will be a certain amount of shock, worry about medical bills, and even concern about retaining employment if the individual will need to be off work for a significant amount of time. A lawyer can also help in the event that a client is permanently disabled.

One of the things that a lawyer will do is obtain all the pertinent documentation required to deal with insurance adjusters, the settlement process, and the court system if litigation is required. One of the most valuable services a lawyer provides is alleviating stress, allowing clients to focus on healing and regaining their health.

Even with auto and health insurance, individuals often encounter difficulties in terms of paying for medical costs resulting from an accident. Some insurance companies will try to shift the financial responsibility, causing an additional level of anxiety on a client that has already suffered. A lawyer will minimize anxiety, deal with entities on a client’s behalf, and help ensure they receive all the benefits to which they’re entitled.

Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield, P.A.

Whether you need a Divorce, are dealing with Custody or Child Support issues, or need representation in a Personal Injury matter, the Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield can confidently assist you.  To learn more about how we can help you or to discuss the facts of your case with our attorneys, call 954-983-1443 to schedule your free consultation.

3107 Stirling Road
Suite 105
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Fax: 954-983-1536

Email: [email protected]

Hollywood Auto Accident Attorney

Auto Accident Attorney Hollywood, Florida

Located in Hollywood Florida, The Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield, P.A. focuses in part on the legal practice area surrounding personal injury. These include personal injuries from various accidents, like those sustained in a Florida auto accident. In each state, the personal injury laws surrounding car accidents differ slightly. Continue reading to learn about how such legal matters (surrounding auto accidents) are treated in the state of Florida:

Auto Accident Cases in Florida – What You Need To Know

Florida’s statute of limitations for personal injury cases is four years from the date of an accident. This means that the victim of a car accident would have four years to file a personal injury claim. If they wait over four years, they forfeit their right to seek compensation. Although the state of Florida gives victims four years, it is advantageous for victims to seek compensation as soon as possible once they know the extent of the injuries they have sustained.

The Purpose of Seeking Compensation after a Car Accident

Seeking compensation through a personal injury suit isn’t simply a means to get rich. The financial support a victim seeks is compensation for their lost wages, medical bills, and future lost wages or future medical bills due to their injury. In some cases, a person’s injury will heal and they will go on to live a normal life. In other situations, their ability to earn a living is forever altered. If the car accident that caused their injury wasn’t their fault or if the other driver was negligent, then they have the right to seek compensation that will support them throughout their recovery and beyond.

Personal Injury Claims Can Garner Compensation for the Following in Florida

If you were injured in an automobile or motorcycle accident you may be able to collect compensation for:

  • Compensation for property that was damaged during the accident.
  • Compensation for a disability or permanent disfigurement.
  • Compensation for lost wages.
  • Compensation for past medical expenses as well as estimated future costs of medical care or rehabilitation.
  • Compensation for pain and suffering.

Florida’s PIP Law

Under Florida’s no-fault insurance laws, motorists who suffer injuries in an auto accident may receive compensation to pay their medical bills and lost wages from their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy, no matter who caused the accident. That means after an auto accident, you would first turn to your own PIP policy for compensation.

In order to receive PIP benefits, you must meet certain criteria under Florida law. You must receive medical treatment within 14 days. If you do not have an emergency medical condition (EMC), you can only receive up to $2,500 in PIP benefits. However, if you receive an EMC diagnosis, you may recover up to $10,000.

Bodily Injury Liability Insurance

Bodily injury liability insurance protects you against claims brought by others who suffer injury or death as a result of your negligence. These can include damages for medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. This could also include compensation for permanent injury, loss of consortium, and out of pocket expenses such as travel costs for medical care.

Bodily injury liability does not cover your own bodily injury or those of the people named in your policy. Rather, it pays for the other party’s serious injury when you or a named insured causes an accident. Damages to injured parties will be covered up to the limit stated in the policy.

Besides covering you (the policyholder) for liability, Bodily injury liability covers injuries that relatives who live with you, and people who drive your car with your permission, are liable for. Bodily injury liability also pays to defend the insured against liability claims.

On the other hand, if you are seriously injured by another driver and that driver has Bodily injury liability coverage, you can file a claim under his or her policy.

Florida does not require bodily injury liability coverage, but most other states do. At a minimum, Florida law requires that any person at fault in a crash resulting in bodily injury to others have “full liability insurance coverage.” This includes a minimum limit of $10,000 for bodily injury liability per person or $20,000 per crash. But because the costs associated with bodily injury are so high, this is seldom enough. Bodily injury coverage ensures that your insurance company pays the maximum amount, up to the policy limit. Having Bodily injury liability coverage protects you financially and protects your personal assets if you are sued for damages by an injured party.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Accidents

After exhausting PIP coverage, if the other driver has no other insurance or an amount of coverage that is insufficient to cover the costs related to your injury, your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage may be able to cover the damage caused by the negligent party.

Attempting to collect compensation through your uninsured motorist coverage can be complicated and will likely require the assistance of an attorney. Your insurance company may try to limit your payout, based on their own investigation of the accident and how much they believe your claim is worth. If you receive an amount that you believe does not properly cover your losses, your attorney may be able to file a lawsuit against your insurance company in an attempt to recover additional compensation.

Next Step to Take:

Call Our Hollywood Auto Accident Attorneys at 954-983-1443

If you or someone you love has been injured in a Florida auto accident, call us at The Law Offices of Theodore H. Enfield, P.A… Located in Hollywood Florida we are ready to work for you to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 954-983-1443 to learn if you have the makings of a successful personal injury case.

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